Wednesday, September 8, 2010


As much of a domestic goddess as I am, I have never made lasagna before.  Not that I haven't wanted to, just always seemed daunting... so many ingredients and living up to the standard of Baba's lasagna... it's a lot of pressure on a young mom :-)

That all changed tonight.  I found a recipe for "lots 'o meat" lasagna from Paula Deen's website and we made a family trip to the grocery store to get all the fixings. 

I document the momentous occasion with lots of pictures.

Brand new lasagna dish that I got from my dear friend Jen at my bridal shower.
(yes, yes- I know I'm not supposed to use anything until after the wedding but I couldn't resist and Jen said it was okay)

Soooo shiny :-)

Recipe called for small curd cottage cheese, obviousy, as any good (semi) Italian girl knows, you use ricotta
Eva's attempt at a smile for the camera.  We'll work on it.
Tyson begging for a tidbit.
Layer #1
Final product!
Jason, goofy faced as always, thoroughly enjoying my cooking!

Final verdict: TWO THUMBS UP! 

1 comment:

  1. I notice you only show the ingredients; sometimes the preparation instructions are just as important. As a domestic goddess (I style myself a domestic quarterback) you must know the first step in preparing any recipe, to wit: "First: Preheat the cook." Long ago, back in the Paleolithic Era, this meant, "First, roll a big joint." Today, particularly in homes where there are underaged children, when preparing delicacies of Italianate origin, this is translated as, "First, fill a large glass with red wine." Among those qualified, whether by genetics or inclination (fortunately, Gott sei Dank! you are both) should go unsaid, that this red wine should 1) come from Italy or California, and 2) not be expensive. I recommend above all Barberas (hard to find these days), followed by Chiantis or, at very least, Zinfandels. If from California, stick to Sonoma County. Your forebears owned huge tracts of land there and it has today still an unavoidably Italian/German flavor.
    Remember the first rule of good cooking: First, preheat the cook!
