Saturday, January 7, 2012

Birthday Party

This morning we went to Eva's very first birthday party of a friend who is not the child of one of mommy's friends, i.e. her own friend from school!  It was at the same place we had her 3rd birthday party, an indoor play place in New Brighton, and it was so nice to meet moms and dads of some of her classmates that I haven't met before.  A number of the parents dropped their kids off for the party; I was that hovering mom of a 3 1/2 year old who stayed the whole time.  I guess that's the down side to having kids age 3-6 all in the same classroom, friends are at different levels of independence from the parental units.  At any rate, I used the time to annoy Eva with my camera- enjoy!
She spent the first 45 minutes we were there playing teacher and reading to me...
only my child would forsake the running, jumping and screaming with other preschoolers to sit and read

Look at her nails to see why we high-tailed it to the nail salon right after this! haha

LOVE this one

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